A Framework for Distributed Inference with Emerging Hardware.
NB: A static version of this interactive article has been published on arXiv and can be cited as:
@article{Ortiz2021visualGBP, title = {A visual introduction to Gaussian Belief Propagation}, author = {Ortiz, Joseph and Evans, Talfan and Davison, Andrew J.}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.02308}, year = {2021}, }
See our short video introduction to the article here.
In this article, we present a visual introduction to Gaussian Belief Propagation (GBP), a probabilistic inference algorithm that operates by passing messages between the nodes of arbitrarily structured factor graphs. A special case of loopy belief propagation, GBP updates rely only on local information and will converge independently of the message schedule. Our key argument is that, given recent trends in computing hardware, GBP has the right computational properties to act as a scalable distributed probabilistic inference framework for future machine learning systems.
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There are various possible algorithms for probabilistic inference, many of which take advantage of specific problem structure for fast performance.
Efficient inference on models represented by large, dynamic and highly inter-connected graphs however remains computationally challenging and is already a limiting factor in real embodied systems.
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One issue that has precluded the use of general Loopy BP is that it lacks convergence guarantees. However, a second and perhaps more relevant issue given modern hardware trends, is that its computational properties have not fitted the dominant processing paradigms of recent decades, CPUs and GPUs. Consequently, other factor graph inference algorithms have been preferred which take advantage of global problem structure to operate much more rapidly and robustly than loopy BP on a CPU.
We believe that now is the right time to re-evaluate the properties of loopy BP given the rise of graph-like computing hardware and sparse models.
Indeed there has been a recent resurgence in interest in the algorithm
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In this article, we give an introduction to Gaussian Belief Propagation as a strong general purpose algorithmic and representational framework for large scale distributed inference. Throughout, we present a range of examples across 1D and 2D geometric estimation and image processing in the form of interactive simulations which allow the reader to experiment with and understand the properties of GBP. We hope that these simulations emphasize the key properties of GBP which we summarize below.
In the remainder of the article, we first introduce the GBP algorithm and show that it is intimately linked to solving a linear system of equations
Inference is the problem of estimating statistical properties of unknown variables