The Big DevOps Misunderstanding

When the term DevOps came up it was all about a simple idea:

You build it, you run it

— Werner Vogels

Back then IaaS and PaaS matured and allowed developers to deploy their applications by themself. So they do not have to “throw” their application code over the fence to the ops department anymore. Instead, software engineers were enabled to deploy applications to production by themselves.

At some point in time, this idea has been so widely misunderstood that the wrong definition of DevOps became the right one. We now have special roles or departments which write “infrastructure as code” or “pipeline as code” to deploy applications.

In my opinion, this is not DevOps but an evolution of simple system operations (SysOps). Why? Because writing the application and bringing it into prod is still done by different roles or departments.

This trend is also supported by Kubernetes as this is a technology which is hard to master. So people start splitting up responsibilities again. One part of the team developing the application the other part of the team managing the infrastructure.

Things get much easier if you start with a Platform as a Service (PaaS) instead.

Best Regards,

Oliver, working on MonsterWriter

Working on

Today I had to write tests for some React.js components and wondered If it would not be smarter to use Cypress.js for this purpose. I know Cypress.js is intended to be an end-to-end testing tool where Jest+Enzyme is used for testing a component in isolation.

I see a couple of…

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I recently stumbled upon an interesting article stating that Positioning Your Startup is Vital.

The nice thing about the article is that it provides a template and some fundamental questions when it comes to positioning. So you can get started to apply the knowledge right away. And that is exactly what I did for MonsterWriter. The template looks like this:

For (target customer)
Who (statement of need or opportunity),
(Product name) is a (product category)
That (statement of key benefit).
Unlike (competing alternative)
(Product name)(statement of primary differentiation).

For MonsterWriter I filled out the blanks like this:

For students
Who write their thesis,
MonsterWriter is a word processor
That reduces the time authors spend formatting.
Unlike traditional word processors
MonsterWriter puts the focus on the content and does the formatting automatically.

Because you need a Ph.D. degree in AWS infrastructure to have a rough idea of how big your bill will be at the end of the month.

End of Story

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